Thursday, February 22, 2007

The cleaning that happend today (or didn't)

If you've read one of my comments on my wifes blog, you'll know that I'll be giving updates as to my wifes happenings thoughough the day. Of course, that's probably why you are here.

Let me start off by saying, I love my wife. I think she is great. However, she does have this weird issue with housework. Not only does she not like it, I think she is allergic to it. All of a sudden when it's time to do housework, she gets ADD and starts focusing on something else, mainly reading.

I know I'm going against the grain here since all of you are apart of the reading colt and are Nicole's friends, but let me say that I do my fair share of cleaning and more. I know my wife will vouch for that. So, for your (or my) reading pleasure, I will keep you up to date on my wifes daily cleaning happenings and maybe mine.

She wrote a blog yesterday that said she took the day off from cleaning (Wednesday) b/c she was cleaning so hard on Tuesday. She said she did the dishes, 3 loads of laundry, and mopped the floors. Not bad, but really worthey of taking the next day off completely? We still had a ton more laundry that needed to be done, kids rooms that needed to be cleaned, the bathroom needed to be done, etc. I put in a load of wash when I got home and helped Abby clean her room. Well, more like I cleaned Abby's room while she watched me.

Now on the weekends I typically clean the entire house from top to bottom (except our bedroom). This way, Nicole has less to do during the week, except to clean up after the rug rats. She still finds it hard to keep up with that. She'll either read all day, watch TV, or sleep. Yes, I'll come home and ask what she did and she gets all pissed at me. I don't even ask in a mean way at first, but it turns into an argument. She'll say she was playing with the kids all day and that she did do stuff. LIAR!!! Sometimes I'll plant stuff around the house in obvious places to see if she picks it up. NOPE! Still there when I get home. Oh well....

I know she'll read this and I'm not trashing my wife. She brought it up so I figured I'd run with it and prove my point too.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

How great am I....

If you read this prior to 8:00 PM Eastern time and tell my wife, I will hurt you!!! Hopefully she doesn't check it on her phone!!

My wife doesn't know it yet, but today I plan to suprise her when she gets home from work with a romantic dinner. She thinks the kids are still with me and that we are going to take them to my mothers later when she gets of and then go and see a movie. We have free movie tickets and we vowed not to spend any money for a while since we always spend a lot. I'm going to make her a great dinner at home with some type of mixed drinks (gotta get her drunk, it's fun)! Then we'll do a little dancing and I'll probably hook her up with a nice massage. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination....

She thinks I just cleaned the house last night just for the hell of it. It'll be our early valentines day since it's on a weekday again this year and we'll have the kids on the actual valentines day. Maybe we'll see a movie after dinner (maybe...)

Gotta go get the food to prepare for tonight.

Don't be jealous that your man isn't doing this for you. It's hard to be as great as me sometimes, but I can hold online training sessions if they are interested. LOL.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Why am I hooked?

Not really sure why I spend my time watching lost when it comes on. After each episode except for a few, I feel disappointed b/c the show didn't show much of anything!!! Anybody else feel that way?

Tonight's episode just went on basically about nothing. The only thing that was accomplished is that Soyer and Kate were able to escape off of the island and Jack fixed up Ben, plus we found out a bit about Julia. However, it took an entire episode of nothing to get to that point! The folks at ABC are very good at getting you hyped up about nothing.

I will continue to watch and hope I get something out of the episodes to come......UGH!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My wife made me do it...

I'm not much of a "blogger". Actually, I've never blogged before in my life. I think it's stupid, but probably only b/c I can't think of enough stuff to type. I have a myspace account, but rarely use it or type any messages to anybody.

However, I was bored tonight and checking out my wifes blog (I'm not checking up on her, she asks me to read it sometimes). I'll test it out for a while and see how thing go. If I get some interested readers, I'll continue to type away. We'll see....

Not too sure what to write about, so give me some hints. I guess I can type about my daily stuff, but that could get boring. I'll type more about me later. I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories that involve things like kids, sports, disk golf, goofing around, and the all important subject...SEX!


Start it off right

I don't want this blog to be like a 24 fan site, but I have to start it off with a little 24 love. Any other Bauer fans out there? All hale the power of Bauer...

This show is single handedly the best show on TV. I want to hear from some other true fans out there! I have to admit, I didn't watch the fist three seasons, but finally caught on in season 4. Since them I have bought all of the box sets to catch up on what I missed.

This year I couldn't wait for it to come back on. I was watching the previews one day and my wife said I had a huge grin on my face while watching it. So far, this season has not disappointed!!